Pot Luck and Gift Exchanges
Always popular at a Motor Maid get together are food and games. That's how ACMMs celebrated in NB at Suzanne's January 18, 2015 and in NS at Chris' on January 24, 2015. As usual, the dishes prepared by members were all Top Chef quality with more than enough to go around. It seems we never tire of laughter and legal thievery during the gift exchange, aka Chinese Gift Exchange, White Elephant Exchange, Yankee Swap, etc. Pictures from the events
An opportunity for the challenge coincided with her sister's trip from northern Ontario in late September. To meet her sister meant a drive from New Brunswick to north of Thunder Bay, then back to New Brunswick almost immediately. "Sault Saint Marie was the launch point as it was 1800 km from Fredericton and I didn't want any dispute about making the 1600+km (1000 miles). This gave me a cushion but also added a couple hundred km on each end," said Janet.
One of her main concerns was the threat of deer and moose while traveling through woods in Ontario, Quebec and NB for so many hours of darkness. The 1600 km milestone was met at 6:30 AM at Grand Falls, NB in 18.5 hours instead of the 24 hours allowed. Still not home, Janet continued to Fredericton, NB, logging 1852 km in exactly 21 hours. Congratulations to our Saddlesore 1600K recipient. |
April 2020